Friday, January 24, 2014

Deserted Valley

Typically, I like to show people in my art, driving or hiking or something. Hovenweep, in all of its abandon glory, feels so isolated, that I wanted to accentuate this in my work. The single window in Stronghold House frames only the sky, focusing attention on the singularity of the subject. I promise I will have a person in my next project.

Natural Bridges

Cedar Night

Night skies are amazing when you can see them as you did when you were 10. Cedar Breaks offers views like those I remember from my childhood neighborhood (likely even better). Star gazing naturally follows when the view is this good. I took pictures while scouting for the last project. The challenge is Iwas there during the day, so I had to convert the drawings to look like night. It is amazing how dark blue and gray so effectively convey nighttime.

Here is the reference picture I used to build the landscape

And here is the drawing made from the top photo. Below is the finished product